Romanian food - Ghiveci

Romanian Food: Ghiveci

One of Romania’s most treasured culinary creations is the hearty and flavorful vegetable stew known as Ghiveci.

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Romanian food - Covrigi

Romanian Food: Covrigi

Covrigi, often referred to as the Romanian pretzels, are a delightful treat made from a light and airy leavened dough.

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Romanian food - Ardei umpluti

Romanian Food: Ardei umpluti

These stuffed bell peppers, bursting with flavors, are a symphony of taste, aroma and visual appeal.

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Romanian food - Pasca

Romanian Food: Pasca

This traditional Romanian sweet bread that’s served at Easter time has roots deeply ingrained in history and symbolism.

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Romanian food - Placinta

Romanian Food: Placinta

Plăcintă, a word derived from the Latin term “placenta” meaning a flat cake, is a time-honored Romanian delicacy, a delectable fried or deep-fried pastry that tantalizes the taste buds with its unique blend of ingredients.

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Romanian food - Amandine

Romanian Food: Amandine

Amandine, a Romanian delicacy, is a decadent chocolate cake that evokes memories of childhood and indulgence.

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Romanian food - Drob

Romanian Food: Drob

Drob, a traditional Romanian Easter dish, is a tantalizing blend of succulent lamb offals, delicate green onions, and plump eggs, all nestled in a warm embrace of soaked bread.

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Romanian food - Bors

Romanian Food: Bors

The Romanian borș is a beguiling, sour soup that’s a world away from the clear beetroot soup of Slavic borscht, despite its name.

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Romanian food - Mamaliga

Romanian Food: Mamaliga

Mămăligă, a staple of Romanian cuisine and the proud national dish, is frequently mistaken for polenta.

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Romanian food - Cozonac

Romanian Food: Cozonac

Cozonac, a beloved sweet bread in Romania, is a staple at festive celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.

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